Battle knights is a game developed and published by Mire studios during the story you play as the blue knight "wonder" on a quest to unite the colored realms. While this is their first game released I can definitely say it did not disappoint. This is the kind of game you remember playing in the NES days, not to hard but easy as well.
While the game has a relatively steep learning curve it gets easy as you go along because you start understanding how mechanics work and you start putting the things you've learnt to good use. Something I don't feel as much as a gamer when I play certain video games is a sense of accomplishment, a lot of the time things are to easy and forgetful it really does take the fun out of it. Not with Battle Knights whenever I struggled on a boss or a level in particular and I passed it I couldn't help but feel like I did something really cool and I over came something that bested me. Its a really good feeling when you finally get pass it but the difficulty might be its downfall for some.
The game does advertise itself as a hardcore platformer but it does so from the get go it never gives the player a chance to ease into the game and get use to it instead you are thrown in at the deep end. I also don't know why developers don't know how important in game messages or tutorials are in video games. I finished almost the first and second area before realizing there is a store to buy upgrades from and most players wouldn't know there is one because there is no mention of it. It does offer good tips if you choose to talk to the vender but still I feel like you should be notified about it at the beginning. I also noticed the music was done by a completely different company, which is one guy and he did such a good job.
The game also has many other modes apart from its story mode like a versus mode and a survival mode which can provide a extra bit of fun but the game doesn't have online support. I found that this feature would of made me enjoy the game that much more. In todays time where most of my friends are on the other side of the country its almost unacceptable to not have it included. There was a bit of a story as well but not much to go off on, each boss had a few lines of dialogue to say but I found myself not reading them after a while the final scene is probably the best bit of story you will get.
easy to pick up
various modes
no online fictionality
lack of story
lack of tutorials
Personal opinion
While this game was very much all over the place for me, I did still enjoy my time with it. With its difficulty and music made it a plus it did fall in other places like with the lack of online. This however was the developers first outing so it shows they do have potential it makes me excited to see what they do next. For only $2.99 you cant go wrong as the saying goes "you get what you pay for".
I rate it 6/10