Earthfall is a four player co-op first person shooter clearly inspired by Left for dead but with aliens! Holospark is a small company with the greatest minds behind gaming in it. From games like Destiny 2, Middle earth: Shadow of war, No one lives forever 2, Call of duty 3 and bioshock infinite to name a few. They have also released other games like The impossible travel agency and Séance: The unquiet, Holospark clearly has a lot of talent but how did they do with Earthfall.
Just like everybody else I just thought this was going to be Left for dead but with aliens and that’s not so untrue. That’s exactly what this is, let’s start with the story the world is in ruins. An alien invasion has hit the earth and you play as four survivors using a wide variety of weapons and supplies to combat the alien invasion. The game is broken up into two campaigns with five missions each. Each of them being a whole new area to explore and with different objectives to complete. Now these objectives aren’t different from mission to mission, most of them end up just being fetch this or fix that. Which in my option just adds unnecessary time to missions that isn’t needed, instead of doing something different every mission ends up feeling like you do the same thing over and over again. Even though they look different. This is where the game fails, it already doesn’t have much content and then with the little content it has. It just ends up feeling very unoriginal and there is no endgame that I know of, only by replaying the whole story on the highest difficulty which isn’t that fun.
So after you’ve played the story which would only take you 4 hours at most you have already gotten through everything the game has to offer. Now co-op does offer a nice change and I’m always down to play with my buddies. There is only so much you can do in co-op with your friends. Even the gun play which is a big part of fps games, in this they end up feeling very clunky and like they barely do damage. When you end up choosing your favorites there isn’t much else that changes up gunplay in the game. Even the 3D printer and yes there’s a 3D printer, I just found myself using this as a way to refill my ammo when I was out. Everything you also did to progress throughout the mission would attract a swarm, there is even one point where in the second mission you are fixing a van to escape the area. By simplify putting a battery in the van it would attract a swarm, I mean how loud could that be right?
I feel like at times they did this also just to extend the length of the mission by distracting you with adds every few minutes. Which again isn’t that fun when that’s all you’ve been doing. Even with the different kinds of species of aliens it still felt very unoriginal. Not even the special aliens did anything different they were more of a filler for mission time I felt. The graphics as well did nothing and they had a chance to make the game look incredible but they didn’t. Most alien bodies would just turn into a pixelated mess after getting killed and having the limbs blown off. The game also ran really bad at times and I was playing on an xbox one. A few days also after the games release, the game got a 9.5 GB update which is the size of the game like seriously? When the update was finished it was easier to get in a co-op game before all it did was put you in a lobby by yourself which I guess was a good move.
After everything I had to deal with from this game, all it did was leave a bad taste in my mouth. None of the missions feels original, the graphics the broken co-op it as a whole was just bad. I honestly expected a lot more from Holospark and I was disappointed. The only good thing is Holospark as already confirmed that all future content for the game will be free which is a step in the right direction.
I rate this 4/10