Now it has been a good few years since the last Heavy fire game at least on xbox. While some might think on the rail shooters are a thing of the past but this series shows us that they are here to stay. Not for the better though because this title in particular was developed by a different studio and they might have missed what an on the rails shooter is.
Firstly whatever story there is, I really don't know what happened cause there is so little story if any at all. The missions are very uninspired there only 4 of them and each of them is broken up into a day and night version of that mission. Each mission variant is broken up into stages and each stage is wave based. I feel this was done just to make the game feel longer and each mission ended up being about 30 minutes long and it couldn't have been anymore boring. The way I remember on the rails shooters from the arcade being very action packed, to go from that to this is just plain lazy. A lot could be said about the genre itself but I do feel the Heavy fire game released in 2013 was at least decent.
One feature I do feel that was very helpful was the indicator telling me where an enemy is and if they are attacking me or not. Even though this was really helpful and smart it at times wouldn't pin point enemies properly and I would be looking for enemies by myself even though the indicator was telling me they were right in front of me. Lets just talk about how this game is an on the rails shooter when you stay on one spot the whole time. The way I remember these types of game is your character moves by themselves and you move the cursor and shoot. How this is considered the same game to the previous is beyond me, they could have just called it something different. I also messed around with the FOV settings and well this is the result. A pair of guns being held by nobody.
I also ran into a butch of glitches, 1 in particular was there would always be one guy left on a wave but some how he got stuck behind a building so I cant shoot him, so I cant progress the already very boring/tedious mission. Eventually he would die and the wave would end but this shouldn't be happening and it happened so much. Another glitch I encountered was whenever I was in a mission to long my cursor would get stuck on one side of my screen, this made aiming at enemies much more difficult.
I have never played such an inspired video game in my life. From the repetitive gameplay, to getting the genre completely wrong and just the lack of giving a damn. It is clear that not much thought was put into this game and it definitely shows. I have never been so certain on passing up on a video game in my life, there are way better things to spend your money on.
I rate this a 1/10